Hose Specs Matter

Swollen fuel line from hose not rated for gasoline immersion being used inside a fuel tank

The new engine in the racecar requires more fuel volume than the original so I replaced the fuel pump.  The Fiero uses an in-tank fuel injection pump.  The above picture is the old pump when I took it out.  See the hose is swollen around the clamps?  It was very soft inside and out.  The writing on the side said it was rated for 50psi.  So this was probably either SAE 30R7 or 30R14 hose–neither of which are rated for fuel injection pressures or for immersion in gasoline (most fuel line is only intended to handle gasoline on the inside).

SAE30R10 is rated for fuel injection pressures and immersion in gasoline.  That’s the right stuff to use here.  My replacement pump came with a little piece of it.

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